Monday, August 22, 2011

Justin Beaver

Day 3:
Quote of the day: "Miss Harris, your hair look like it's as soft as a marshmallow."

Day 4:
This is the day I had my kiddos complete an interest inventory so I could get to know them better. They had some pretty good answers, I must say....

When I grow up, I want to be a....alligator.
I often wonder about....Justin Beiber.
If I had 3 wishes, I would wish for....I don't have school, I have all the candy, and be a super hero.
Three of my favorite foods wings, peas, and deer.
My two favorite television shows are...Chuky and Chucy.
When it rains, I.....drink hot cofe (coffee).
If I had 3 wishes, I would wish for....snow, water park, and Justin Beiber.
My favorite book character is....Miss Harris.
I have always wanted to visit....Miss Harris.
When I grow up, I want to be a....Miss Harris.
When it and my brother rap.
If I could be anyone for a day, I would like to be...bus driver.
I like to

This is also the day that I told my students I have a little brother who is 12, about to be 13. Question asked by student immediately thereafter: "Are you older than him?" Apparently I  look 11. :o(

Day 5:
Quote of the day: "Miss Harris, he said he was gonna put me in the trash can and roll me down the hill."

This may have also been the day that I found a packet of silica gel in the Homework Folder basket. Random.

Day 6:
Student: "Yesterday was my dog's birthday."
Me: "Really? How old is he?"
Student: "Ummmmm...9 months, I think."

Day 7:
We were about to go to the library for the first time of the year, so I had to go over a few things.
"Don't forget, there are 2 'r' sounds in library. It's li-BRary, not li-berry. 38 little eyes stare at me in disbelief. "WHAT??? Li-brary? I thought it was a liberrian." "Liblairy?! Liblairy?! I cain't say it."

Student 1: "He said my momma ugly."
Student 2: "Well, she said my head look like Justin Beaver. And she also said I look like Justin Beaver's wife."
Me: "First of all, it's Justin BEIBER. Second of all, he's not married! And when did this happen anyway?"
Student 2: "In the li-berry."

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